This research shows the influence of using multi-core architecture to reduce the execution time and thus increase performance of some software fault tolerance techniques. According to superiority of N-version Programming and Consensus Recovery Block techniques in comparison with other software fault tolerance techniques, implementations were performed based on these two methods. Finally, the comparison between the two methods listed above showed that the Consensus Recovery Block is more reliable. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of this technique, we propose a technique named Improved Consensus Recovery Block technique. In this research, satellite motion system which known as a scientific computing system is consider as a base for our experiments. Because of existing any error in calculation of system may result in defeat in system totally, it shouldn’t contains any error. Also the execution time of system must be acceptable. In our proposed technique, not only performance is higher than the performance of consensus recovery block technique, but also the reliability of our proposed technique is equal to the reliability of consensus recovery block technique. The improvement of performance is based on multi-core architecture where each version of software key units is executed by one core. As a result, by parallel execution of versions, execution time is reduced and performance is improved.
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