Design and Analysis of a Secure Intelligent Blood Management Information System
Subject Areas : IT Strategy
Hessah Alhajri
Mostafa Abd El-barr
Kalim Qureshi
1 - Department of Information Science, College of Life Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Badr University in Cairo, Egypt
3 - Department of Information Science, College of Life Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Keywords: Blood Bank, Information System, Security of Information System, Blood Donation,
Abstract :
The need for blood and the blood donors are on the rise continuously. Poor communication between blood banks and hospitals results in improper management and wastage of available blood inventory and can cause life threats. Therefore, there is an urgent need for coordination between blood banks, hospitals, and blood donors. The Design of a Secure Intelligent Blood Bank Information System (SIBBIS) is a way to align blood banks and hospitals with the help of the Internet. SIBBIS is a web application through which registered hospitals can check the availability of required blood, send a request for blood to the nearest blood bank or donor that matches the blood requirements, and order blood online as requested. A blood bank can also send a request to another blood bank in case of unavailable blood. The person willing to donate blood can find the nearest blood banks using SIBBIS. The location of the blood bank can be traced using maps. The life of the hardware, software, refrigerator cleaning of refrigerator and vaccination of employees are monitored intelligently. For this system, we developed a standard process-oriented information System analysis methodology using use case, activity, system sequence, entity relationship, and class diagrams. The usability of the developed system was evaluated, and it was 93.39%.
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